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Air Metabolite Preclusion Reduces Conscious Thought

Research in Endocrinology
Five studies supported the hypothesis that preclusion of air metabolite availability reduces conscious thought. Participants reported having fewer thoughts while having breathed through a bag without, rather than with, a hole at its end (Study 1). Participants who held their breath for 10 seconds reported…

Relationship between Personality Traits and Sense of Urgency: A Study of Repso Malaysia

IBIMA Business Review
Sense of urgency is a crucial element of a successful change process. This research was designed to investigate the relationship between personality traits and sense of urgency. It employed quantitative method in examining the said relationship against a real-life scenario of major change in a…

Green Economy: Researching Working from Home in Building Sector

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
The rapid growth of telework or working from home (WFH) is inspired by the growth in knowledge-based economy, rapid technology progress, virtual operations and digital workforce. The original push on teleworking as a tool for cutting traffic congestion and improving air quality did not lead…

Indicators in the Purchase of Housing Properties

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
This paper examines the effects of key indicators (risk of inflation, inflation hedge, property prices, real income of investors, access to financing, and interest rates) on investors’ investors’ decision to purchase a real estate property. The data for this study were obtained by conducting a…

Czech International Development Policy in the Context of EU Enlargement

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
Development policy of any state is to contribute to poverty reduction, the economic and industrial development, gradual integration of economies which are supported by the world economy to develop agriculture, development and consolidation of democracy and human rights, establishment of the rule of law and…

Informal Economy Dynamics as an Important Factor Defining Level of Social Unease

Journal of Economics Studies and Research
The paper suggests the hypothesis that increasing level of social unease which can be seen in the world since the start of Arab spring is directly related to dynamics of informal economy. Subsequently in the paper some other suggestions are tested, including relation between the…

Exploring the Relationship between Job Design and Knowledge Productivity: A Conceptual Framework in the Context of Malaysian Administrative and Diplomatic Officers

Journal of Organizational Knowledge Management
To sustain its knowledge economic growth, Malaysian government had launched the K-Economy Master Plan in 2010; outlining the knowledge economy policy initiatives in supporting the knowledge based economy. The transition to knowledge based-economy, knowledge plays a governing role in leading the productivity and maintaining the…

Immuno-modulatory Role of Indoleamine 2, 3-Dioxygenase in Allogeneic Islet and Skin Transplantation

Research in Immunology: An International Journal
Indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase (IDO) is a naturally occurring immunomodulatory agent that has been found to play a key role in preventing rejection of the semi-allogeneic fetus during pregnancy. It is a cytosolic monomeric hemoprotein enzyme that degrades tryptophan, the least available essential amino acid in…

Theoretical Framework of Human Capital Development of SMEs: The Context of an ERP Project

Journal of Enterprise Resource Planning Studies
ERP systems are increasingly adopted by SMEs. The ERP system is one of the more complex information systems to implement and its failure rate remains high despite the accumulated experiences. Its implementation indeed requires a large amount of knowledge and technical expertise and skills. Therefore,…

Analysis of IT Multisourcing Practice in a Telecommunication Company

Journal of Outsourcing and Organizational Information Management
Organizations have used numerous sourcing strategies to realize an underlying value of IT from strategic and operational perspectives. However, a number of these sourcing strategies have failed to deliver on their expected outcomes. Multisourcing has been advanced as a form of sourcing which addresses the…