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A Study on the Tourist Experiences in the Peneda-Gerês National Park: Impact on Satisfaction, Loyalty and Recommendations

IBIMA Business Review
This study aims to validate the multidimensional concept of a tourist destination by correlating the tourist's relationship with the lived experience. It is intended to evaluate the experience lived in the Peneda-Gerês National Park through five tourist sensorial dimensions: i. perception; ii. feeling of place…

Does Corporate Governance Influence the Performance of Romanian Companies in A Period of Maximum Uncertainty? Empirical Analysis on The Case of Companies Listed on The Bucharest Stock Exchange

Journal of Economics Studies and Research
This article aims to highlight the impact that a company's management structure has on the profitability of an enterprise during the period of uncertainty that the emergence of the new COVID-19 virus has created. In order to achieve the objective, a series of panel regressions…

A Traditional Literature Review on Physicians’ Dual Practice – Literature Review

Journal of e-health Management
Research motivation: The current study seeks to establish the trends in physicians’ dual practice and present existing knowledge gaps that need to be filled based on studies done in other contexts.   Research Design/methodology: The desktop research review approach was used in the investigation. This entailed…

Positives and Negatives of Home Working during the Covid-19 Pandemic from the Perspective of Employees in the Czech Republic

Journal of Human Resources Management Research
As a result of the Covid-19 viral disease pandemic, companies and their employees had to cope with a number of changes and people have faced new challenges, while working from home has become a pandemic phenomenon. The main aim of this article is to thoroughly…

The Impact of The Globalization Process on The Modern World – The Need to Find a New Path of Human Development

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The presented article describes the impact of the globalization process on the development of the world in the opinion of the world's leading researchers of this phenomenon. The author made a thorough analysis of various scientific trends and historical periods concerning the issue of globalization.…

Romania’s Involvement in the Protection of Refugee Children during 2022

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
 Romania had to adapt and take urgent measures to ensure the protection of all those who entered the country immediately after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine in February 2022. Through the numerous normative acts adopted during that period, the preparation and implementation of…

Impact of Covid-19 on the Poultry Sector in Morocco: An Empirical Analysis

IBIMA Business Review
This study emphasizes the impact of Covid-19 on the poultry sector, a Moroccan economic sector that, on the surface, seems untouched by the global health crisis. The poultry sector encompasses manufacturers of feed mill, hatcheries, industrial poultry slaughterers, producers of eggs, and producers of poultry…

COVID19 and Management Impact of Covid-19 on Education Management in Lebanon

Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
With the emergence of Covid-19, education management raised eyebrows as schools and universities were the first ones to shift to computer aided learning technologies (CAT) with the vision that learning must never stop. ICT based learning methods have been widely applicable to this date. The…

Gender Diversity of Board and Debt: Firm Size Moderating Role (Evidence from Indonesia)

IBIMA Business Review
This research verifies the relationships between gender diversity in the boardroom, firm size, and debt. The research was conducted based on panel data from non-financial enterprise listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2015-2020 period. Our study results propose that board gender diversity has…

Blue Economy in the EU-27

Journal of Economics Studies and Research
The blue economy can facilitate sustainable economic development and significantly contribute to the conservation of the environment and climate. The blue economy is characterized by a high potential for innovation and growth, facilitation of which can result in the sustainable development of the countries and…