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Successful Salvage Therapy with Intratympanic Dexamethasone in a Diabetic Patient with Severe Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss

International Journal of Case Reports in Medicine
Introduction: The treatment of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSHL) has been a subject of controversy for decades. Systemic steroids are among the treatments with the greatest acceptance. Intratympanic steroids have been used with increasing frequency over the last 15 years in a variety of…

Femoral Nerve Injury Due to an Open Subtrochanteric Hip Fracture — The Importance of Early Detection and Implication for Rehabilitation

International Journal of Case Reports in Medicine
Purpose: Here we present the unusual case report of where a woman sustained a traumatic injury causing an open right subtrochanteric hip fracture which damaged the femoral nerve.  Case Report: A 39-year old woman presented with an open right subtrochanteric hip fracture following an accident…

Recent Approaches and Novel Therapeutic Targets in Human Glioma

Advances in Cancer Research & Treatment
Malignant gliomas are highly invasive primary brain tumors that are not known to metastasize outside the central nervous system (CNS). The median survival time of patients with glioma is only 6 months to 2 years depending on the variability in patient’s condition, type of tumor…

Neuropathological Study of Acute Myelopathy and Encephalopathy Associated to HTLV-I

International Journal of Case Reports in Medicine
Background a chronic and progressive parapares is without remission silent on MRI is the ordinary neurological presentation of HTLV-I, expression of a central axonopathy product of axoplasmic transport alterations. Infrequently acute forms like “T2 hyperintense acute myelopathy on MRI” have been reported. The Purpose of…

Solitary Metachronous Metastasis of Renal Cell Carcinoma to the Ureter

International Journal of Case Reports in Medicine
Renal cell carcinoma is well known for its varied presentation and its potential of metastasizing to virtually any organs. Metastasis to the ureter or bladder is extremely rare. To date only 52 cases of metastatic renal cell carcinoma to ureter have been reported. We report…

Klebsiella Pneumoniae Infection in a Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri Sciureus) in Grenada, West Indies

International Journal of Veterinary Medicine: Research & Reports
An 11 month-old squirrel monkey that died after one week of illness, characterized by anorexia, lethargy, pale mucosae, and dehydration was presented for post-mortem examination. A large retroperitoneal abscess with adhesions to the colon was found on necropsy. Culture of the pus from the abscess…

Undergraduate Students’ Perceptions toward the Graphing Calculator Instructional Approach

Communications of the IBIMA
The aim of this study was to examine undergraduate students’ perceptions toward the adoption of the Graphing Calculator (GC) instructional approach in learning Probability.  During the study, a sample of 55 students was provided GCs and self-designed instructional activities modules for their learning.  At the…

Conceptualization Approach for Accessibility-Aware Framework

Communications of the IBIMA
For many people, the use of the technology offers opportunities to engage in activities that would otherwise be impossible. However, this potential can only be realised if the technology is designed so that it can support people in achieving their goals. Information access for people…

Practitioner Factors in Information Technology Governance

Journal of Administrative Sciences and Technology
Past research in information technology (IT) governance has shown that strong IT governance results in improved business performance. Despite widespread acceptance that IT governance is important, there are limited studies focusing on IT practitioners in IT governance initiatives. This study aims to examine the extent…

Trends in Executive Compensation: CEO and CFO Pay from 2006 through 2011

Journal of Human Resources Management Research
Concerns about executive compensation have been raised by corporate governance scholars and practitioners over the past 20 years, and the popular press is replete with sensational stories involving what the public views as excessive CEO pay. This paper attempts to go beyond these reports and…