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Conceptualising Social Media Entrepreneurial Engagement from the Socio-Cognitive Theory

Journal of Entrepreneurship: Research & Practice
The increasing accessibility to digital technologies has impacted the scope and nature of entrepreneurship activities. Through the Internet and platforms like the social media, entrepreneurs have been empowered to reach larger markets across geographical boundaries with potential impacts on economic outcomes. Therefore, the need to…

Key Life Test Process Optimization Using Six-Sigma Approach

Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practice
The progress of automotive companies has led to a broad development in all sectors of the automotive industry, having an impact on all processes of design, engineering, systems, prototyping, testing and validation. At the same time, consumers’ demand for durable products remains high. Desiring to…

Transition to Online Learning during COVID-19: What do Students Think?

Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
This paper describes the transition from face-to-face to online delivery of a postgraduate project management subject in an Australian university that was necessitated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As well as presenting student reflections on these changes. General literature on learning delivery methods is presented…

The Challenges in the Evaluation of Behavioural Additionality of Innovation Policy

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
Measuring average impacts of public interventions, which is a dominant approach in the evaluation of public programmes has little to offer to inform policy making. The ultimate goal of innovation policy is not the numbers of patents obtained or applied neither employment growth in the…

Strategic Approaches to obtain Financial Benefits when using Information Technology

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
This last year completely changed humanity and the life we were used to, coming with economic and social challenges. The COVID-19 outbreak reminded humanity that people are not immune to any type of catastrophe, emphasizing the importance of adaptability. Having an agile business is mandatory…

The State Aid Instruments in Response to the COVID-19 Crisis

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
The COVID 19 outbreak has hit the global (including the EU) economy unexpectedly and with great force. Many so far healthy undertakings have had to face the looming lack of liquidity. In order to counter the damage inflicted on undertakings and to perverse the continuity…

The Effectiveness of WeCWI-Enabled Web-based Instructional Tool to Improve Writing Performance and Critical Thinking Level among Undergraduate Students

IBIMA Business Review
The complexity of the writing skill, low literacy skills, interlanguage errors, low language proficiency, lack of critical thinking, poor information literacy and second language (L2) writing anxiety, which is supported by the two-semester course performance analysis, result in the poor writing skill among one of…

Risk Management for Running Events’ Organization on the Example of Half Marathons in Poland

IBIMA Business Review
Sports activities, running in particular, are becoming increasingly popular in Poland. Amateur runners are more and more often taking part in organized sports races, especially in half marathons (21.1 km). The great interest of amateur runners is reflected by many half marathons organized in Poland.…

The Impact of Economy on Mergers & Acquisitions in European Markets

Journal of Financial Studies and Research
In this context of uncertainties and the unknown based on economic and health crises, one of the ways to save companies is the operation of merger or acquisition of companies. But not all mergers bring the expected results. The economic, political and social context can…

Working Time Perception Influence on Employees’ Work Satisfaction – Revisiting Dispositional Approach on Employees’ Satisfaction

IBIMA Business Review
Employee is adapting with their working environment. As part of work arrangement, working time is an important factor that determines how employees perceive their working life. This research composes working time perception as a complex variable that is measured in four dimensions, including discipline, incentive,…