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Using the Eco-Innovation Index to Assess the Eco-Innovation Performance: Case of Slovakia

Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practice
Eco-innovation becomes an emerging priority of the European Union (EU) policy. To secure the environmental protection and economic growth eco-innovations have a central role. As the numerous practical examples demonstrate, eco-innovation is a powerful instrument that combines reduced negative impact on the environment and the…

The Quantity and Volume Dynamics of Unauthorized Money Transfers in Russia

Journal of EU Research in Business
The purpose of the study is to analyze the trends in the unauthorized transactions quantity and volume for the funds transfer by individuals through payment cards. The information base is the official data of the Central Bank of Russia for 2014-2019. To analyze trends and…

Blended Learning Model for Engineering Quality Topics

Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
This paper presents the results of the development and accomplishment of a Blended Learning Model for engineering students. The development of the research began with selecting topics for learning Quality concepts, the analysis of an available educational material meeting the requirements of the open software;…

Financial Education for MSMEs: Entrepreneur’s Perceptions and Behaviors in Bogotá

IBIMA Business Review
The purpose of the present work was to identify the perceptions and behaviors related to the economic and financial education in Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs). Cross-sectional and mixed research were conducted within a group of MSME administrators from Bogotá, Colombia. For that purpose,…

Employee Engagement Strategies Antecedents and Migration Intention of Medical Practitioners in Nigeria: A Theoretical Assessment

Journal of African Research in Business & Technology
Medical practitioners’ migration to other countries of the world has a considerable effect on the appropriate health care delivery of the affected countries. Funding, training, work overload, capacity building is some of the contemporary issues confronting Nigeria health sector. All these have contributed to migration…

Burnout Syndrome as the Example of Psychological Costs of Work – Empirical Studies among Human-Oriented Professions in Poland

IBIMA Business Review
Burnout syndrome is a very well-known psychological process, which has been described and measured in psychological literature for the last 40 years. Nevertheless, this kind of psychological “experience” is still very important for both: researchers and practitioners: trainers, psychologists, coaches, managers - who are trying…

The Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism Degree Courses: The Portugal and Spain Evolution

Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) plays a major role in tourism, travel and hospitality industry. The Integration of ICT in the tourism industry is essential for success of tourism enterprise, as such it is necessary to integrate ICT in higher education curricula. This paper analyzes…

The Dynamics of The Romanian Electronics Trade Flows – A Gravity Model Approach

Journal of Economics Studies and Research
The aim of this paper is to find out the determinants of the electronics trade flows of Romania and their impact before and after the EU integration, the impact of the traditional determinants, like the economic size and distance, as well as the impact of…

The Effect of Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and Email on SMEs Performance: Empirical Evidence from United Arab Emirates

Journal of Internet Social Networking and Virtual Communities
Social media marketing tools are a phenomenon that has become an important aspect of the marketing mix and revolutionized the way companies interact with their customers. It is a new field of research and literature quick scan revealed that not many studies exist on social…

Measuring E-Government Development: The Haves and the Have-nots

Journal of e-Government Studies and Best Practices
Since 2003, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) continued to measure the e-government development across the world using a range of indices. The UNDESA produces a biannual report that ranks UN member states according to their most recent e-government development indices.…