Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Ratio Analysis of The Residential Property Market Using the City of Olsztyn

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
There are special considerations present on the real estate market which affect the housing demand. The most important groups of such factors include general economic, legal and financial, and demographic factors. This study analysed the factors that affect the residential property market using the city…

The Mechanism of Creating Filter Bubbles in the Social Information Space, and the Influence of This Phenomenon on Public Security

Social Media Dynamics - Communication Strategies, Challenges and Societal Impact: 37COMM 2021
The article indicates threats to the stability of public space in consolidated democracies, resulting from the mechanisms of filter bubbles. It was highlighted when we are surrounded by information published by media and by statements made by friends which align with our personal views, we…

Savings and Investments of European Households in The Context of Their Subjective Assessments of The Financial Situation

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
The starting point for many economic analyses of financial well-being is the level of population savings, as well as increasingly the rate of investment by households. Satisfaction with the state of finances is influenced not only by the accumulated financial resources. Analyses of household financial…

Current Trends to Overcoming Threats to Economic Security In Agricultural Production Cooperatives

Agricultural Trends and Strategies – Regional and Global Perspectives: 37AGRI 2021
Being a part of the economy, agriculture and agrarian production follow its fundamental laws that are present in any economic system, yet, when carrying out economic and business activity in agriculture, we must bear in mind specifics of production techniques, location of production, labor and…

Practical Apects of Determining The Rent Amount for The Lease of Agricultural Land: Case Study Calarasi County

Agricultural Trends and Strategies – Regional and Global Perspectives: 37AGRI 2021
Knowing how to determine the value of the rent of agricultural land and the elements underlying its establishment, is useful for understanding the operation mechanism of the land lease market, especially regarding the sizing demand. Considering that 61.27% of the Used Agricultural Area in Calarasi…

Multidimensional Comparative Analysis and Forecasting of Unemployment in The USA for 2021 In the Aspect of Economic Security

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
The study attempts to carry out a multidimensional comparative analysis and forecasting unemployment in the USA for 2021. Time series of unemployment rates were analyzed, broken down into: race, age, gender and total rates. The study ends with a summary and conclusions.

Policies and Measures to Support Air Transport in Romania

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
At the national level aeronautics had a history of over a century. The various policies for the development of this field have been influenced by the political orientations, of the historical periods, by the technical evolution of aircrafts and the marked periods of human history…

Assessment of Verbal Intervention Impact on the Dynamics of Financial Markets

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
The need to quantify the impact of news on financial markets is increasingly relevant considering growing importance of social networks as an effective channel for distribution information. Considering information noise, it is necessary to choose the most effective methods that enable to determine in pure…

Conclusion of An Employment Contract During Remote Work

Revolutionizing Human Resources - Strategies for the Digital: 37HR 2021
In March 2020 the World Health Organization announced that the situation with the spread of a disease caused by a new type of coronavirus could be considered a pandemic. A pandemic is an epidemic spreading across countries and continents, i.e. the highest degree of development…

Values Professed by Managers Working in A Multicultural Work Environment (Analysis of The Results of a Preliminary Study Conducted Among the Polish, Spanish And Czech Managers)

Revolutionizing Human Resources - Strategies for the Digital: 37HR 2021
Nowadays values occupy a high position on the list of priorities in contemporary management, especially in a multicultural environment. There are two reasons for that. First, values are a vital element that supports managers in their daily work, i.e. their realisation of the company’s vision,…
