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Investigation of the Glycaemic Profile of Corticosteroid-Induced Diabetes following Renal Transplant using Continuous Glucose Monitoring

Journal of Research in Diabetes
The aim of this study was to use continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) to evaluate the timing and magnitude of glucose excursions in renal transplant recipients receiving oral prednisone, which may assist in determining optimal time for detection of hyperglycaemia and treatment strategies for this group…

Lavelle Nursing Home: Family Run and Owned*

Journal of Accounting and Auditing: Research & Practice
While concluding the 2012 audit for Lavelle Nursing Home (“Lavelle”), the audit engagement team became aware of a recently signed severance agreement with one of the former shareholders, who was also one of the five cousins who established the business.  The agreement provided for the…

Latin America and the Challenges of Globalisation

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The main objective of this paper is to see how economic globalisation has affected the size of the state in Latin America, determining which of the effects — efficiency and compensation — has been stronger in Latin America, a region that has joined the world…

Impact of Job Environment on Job Satisfaction & Commitment among Nigerian Nurses

Journal of South African Business Research
The incessant strike, picketing among health workers in developing nations, is becoming a worrisome phenomenon in developing economy. This paper’s main objective is to examine the impact of job environment (work-family interface, climate, work roles, and job security) on job satisfaction and commitment among Nigerian…

The Effect of Language Proficiency on Course Results

Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
The number of people learning and working in foreign language contexts is increasing with globalization and this has implications for the effectiveness of communication and understanding. While it is generally acknowledged that some level of disadvantage is experienced by those with limited language proficiency, the…

The Effects of Customers’ Perceived Relational Benefits on The Customer Perception of Service Innovation at Service Centers for IT Products: The Mediating Role of Customer Participation

Journal of Administrative Sciences and Technology
This study examines the relationships between customers’ perceived functional (social) benefits from service providers and customers’ perception of service innovation. It also assesses the mediation effects of their participation on their perception of service innovation. Focusing on service centers for ITproducts, structural equation modeling is…

The Impact of Accounting Models in Management Decision

Journal of Accounting and Auditing: Research & Practice
At the moment in Romania there is a bolding of the phenomenon of dissolution of societies with limited liability and starting a business by the associates of these companies, individually, through so-called Authorized Individuals (PFA). Analyzing this phenomenon, you may find that the financial side…

Nutrition Knowledge and Food Choice in Young Athletes(In Press)

Pediatrics Research International Journal
For young athletes, an optimized diet is important for growth, health and athletic performance. Data about nutrition knowledge, nutrient intake and food choice in athletes are rare. Aim of the study was to analyze nutrition knowledge and food choice of young athletes. 559 young athletes…

An Instrument for Measuring Perception Levels on TQM Practices among R&D Center Employees in Saudi Arabia

Communications of the IBIMA
The purpose of the study is to develop and validate an instrument to measure perception on TQM practices among research and development (R&D) center employees. Empirical data were collected from 102 employees in a public R&D center in Saudi Arabia. The content validity, construct validity,…

Low-Level Gonosomal Mosaic (LLGM) In Female Reproduction

Obstetrics & Gynecology: An International Journal
Method: Cytogenetic and fluorescent in situ hybridization ( FISH )analyses on cultured and uncultured blood samples. Results: There was no significant difference in the incidence of LLGM in patients from the tested group vs. control. The mean of X aneuploidy cells proportion was 2.2 %…