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A Review of Literature of Initial Trust in E-Services: The Case of Internet Banking Services in Jordanian Context

Journal of Electronic Banking Systems
Trust in prior marketing research is considered to be the milestone in the dealing between two entities. Likewise, information systems’ researchers considered customer’s trust in e-Services to be an essential element in accepting such services. In the case of internet banking services (IBS) in the…

Appraisal of Municipal Solid Waste Management, Its Effect and Resource Potential in a Semi-Urban City: a Case Study

Journal of South African Business Research
Managing municipal solid wastes (MSW) is progressively becoming a major challenge in many cities of developing nations because of rapid urbanization and rise in population. This can be described by ineffective collection methods, inadequate coverage of the collection, processing system and inappropriate disposal. This paper…

Archetypes of Women in Advertising an Exploratory Study

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
The goal of this article is to explore the perceptions of consumers regarding to models in advertising. To fulfill this object, we have used the KERNEL’s method which is based on the dominance analysis tool developed by Ned Herrmann (Ned Herrmann & Louis Timbal-Duclaux, 1989).…

Effect of Dietary Protein Level and Season on Fecal Microbes and Odorous Compounds in Growing-Finishing Pigs

Research in Agriculture and Agronomy
This study was done to investigate the effects of varying dietary protein levels (DPLs) and season on fecal microbes and odorous compounds in growing and finishing pigs. Thirty-six Landrace pigs were blocked based on their body weight and within each block assigned to one of…

Primary Tuberculosis of Middle Ear

International Journal of Case Reports in Medicine
Primary Tuberculosis of the middle ear remains a diagnostic challenge due to unspecific and variable clinical presentations. A characteristic clinical triad of painless ear discharge, multiple perforations and pale granulations in middle ear cleft is often seen but maybe absent. We report the case of…

Spirulina Supplementation, Sire Breed, Sex and Basal Diet Effects on Lamb Intramuscular Fat Percentage and Fat Melting Points

International Journal of Veterinary Medicine: Research & Reports
The effects of Spirulina supplementation, sire breed, sex and basal diet on intramuscular fat percentage (IMF) and fat melting point (FMP) in crossbred and purebred Merino lambs were investigated. Over two consecutive years, a total of 48 lambs was randomly allocated into feeding trials that…

Skin Conductance Response as a decisive variable in individuals with a DSM-IV TR Axis I diagnosis

JMED Research
In order to identify some typical patterns of autonomic arousal, a sample of 104 subjects was consecutively recruited respectively with diagnosis of: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Panic Disorder (PD), Major Depression Episode (MDE), and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) following the DSM IV —TR criteria (American…

Severe Malnutrition and Celiac Disease Following Gastric by-Pass Surgery

International Journal of Case Reports in Medicine
A thirty seven year old female patient developed severe postprandial pain, chronic diarrhea and clinical and biochemical malabsorption syndrome twelve months after gastric by-pass surgery. Vascular and infectious diseases were ruled out during clinical workup and the diagnosis of celiac disease was reached using antibody…

HLA Analysis of CD15+ Granulocytes of Leukemic Patients and Assessment of its Implication in Leukemia Immunotherapy

Research in Immunology: An International Journal
It is of common knowledge that most leukemic patients succumb to infectious complications beside dysfunction in proliferation/differentiation of hematopoietic cells. Recently, it has been shown by several groups that there is a locus specific HLA class I downregulation in the leukemic cells. However, the HLA…

Impact of Haplotype TNF-LTA Locus with Susceptibility to Cervical Cancer in Indian Population

Obstetrics & Gynecology: An International Journal
Cancer of uterine cervix is the second most common cancer among women worldwide but it is the leading cancer in Indian women. Though high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) is the major etiological agent for the development of cervical carcinogenesis, HPV infection alone is not sufficient, but…