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An Agile Approach towards eGovernment Solution Procurement and Implementation: An Experience from Sri Lanka

Journal of e-Government Studies and Best Practices
The global IT industry and software engineering academia have over the years, fine-tuned many aspects of iterative software development process models. As a result, almost all large scale enterprise systems are now quite successfully built using agile, iterative software engineering processes that features small phases…

Social Network System in Classroom: Antecedents of Edmodo © Adoption

Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
Social networks provide various benefits to educational settings. Nevertheless, a dominant social network tool like Facebook is not suitable for classroom, due to lacks of privacy concerns. Edmodo is a private social network that is claimed to provide a secure learning platform for learners and…

Diagnosis and Treatment of Affections of the Urethra in Male Ruminants: A Review of 403 Cases

International Journal of Veterinary Medicine: Research & Reports
The aim of the present study was to review different surgical affections of the penile urethra in male ruminants [cattle, buffaloes, sheep and goats] with special reference to diagnosis and outcome of surgical treatment. The study was carried out on a total number of 403 animals…

Evidence of Convergence to a Signaling Equilibrium for California Wine 2001-2005

Journal of Research in Industrial Organization
Much research has examined Akerlof’s “lemons” problem, however, very little has addressed convergence to a Spence signaling equilibrium.  We examine this convergence issue by testing whether the explained variance in wine prices for California Cabernet Sauvignon improves as the same set of wines progress through…

A Case Study on Service Design in an Egyptian Professional Consulting Firm

IBIMA Business Review
Organizational change and transformation traditionally attracts many researchers to dedicate their times and energy to research, because it is one of the important research topics. However there does not seem to be enough research especially in Arab world such as Egypt, although the area is…

Linkage between Target Setting in Performance Contracting and Employee Performance. A Kenyan Perspective

Journal of Human Resources Management Research
The current problem facing Performance Contracting (PC) in Kenyan public enterprises has been attributed to the failure of organizations to cascade the concept to individual employee level, leading to a discrepancy between the results of PC and the reality on the ground. The purpose of…

A Headache for the Doctor but not for the Patient. Monocytosis, an Exceptional Finding in Giant Cell Arteritis

International Journal of Case Reports in Medicine
Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a systemic inflammatory vasculitis of the elderly affecting primarily the large arteries of the head. A huge clinical spectrum of symptoms accompanies the onset of the disease with headaches, jaw claudication and visual disorders being the most common. However, symptoms…

Information Sharing among the Government, University, and Industry: A CIS Approach

Communications of the IBIMA
The study explores the concept of collaborative information system through the combined deployment of Quadruple Helix Model (QHM) collaboration promoted by Agensi Inovasi Malaysia, an agency under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia (MOSTI) and the “Whole-of-Government” (WoG) concept of ICT implementation across…

The Evolutionary Theory and Firms’ Patterns

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The evolutionary theory defines the firm as a set of essential skills, gained from its learning ability. The theoretical assumption that forms the base of this paper is based on the importance of knowing the relationship between firms in different market, recognized at economic level.…

Lipomatous Caecal Polyp Causing Ileocaecal Intussusception in an Elderly Lady: A Case Report and Literature Review

International Journal of Case Reports in Medicine
Intussusception is an uncommon cause of intestinal obstruction especially in adult. Adult intussusception accounts for only 5% of all cases of intussusceptions. We presented a case of a 63-year- old lady who presented with 1 week history of right- sided colicky abdominal pain which gradually…