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Evaluation of the Innovative Activity of Insurance Companies in the Framework of Supporting the Development Policy of Business Incubators

Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practice
Research motivation is determined by establishing the role of development policy and the legislative framework in stimulating innovations during the transition of the economy of the Republic of Moldova to an innovative path of development focused on European integration. The analysis of the development of…

Evaluation of Methods Used to Study the Impact of Innovation on Enterprise Value

Journal of EU Research in Business
The main goal of the paper is to critically review the concepts of studying the impact of the implementation of innovation projects on the value of the company and their critical assessment, as well as to identify the conditions affecting the choice of an appropriate…

Jurisdiction Issues in Cyberspace: An Overview in Respect of Brunei and Malaysia Compared to The United States’ System

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
Cyberspace is a borderless world. It refuses to accord geopolitical boundaries. This means that cyberspace has no physical boundaries and limitations. Despite the benefits it offers, it places a unique challenge for states mainly on the issue of jurisdiction and sovereignty. This article aims to…

An Exploratory Study for Constructing Ethics Development Framework: Education Needs on Ethics for Career Development

Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
Different domains of ethics education have been discussed in several studies in recent decades.  However, limited studies were conducted to understand students’ perceptions on different ethics education elements for constructing an integrated ethics development framework.  This research attempted to study students’ perceptions on six ethical…

Architectural and Implementation Aspects of Security Mechanisms for Digital Electronic Integration Platforms

Journal of Internet and e-business Studies
Electronic integration platform environments are increasingly used as a mechanism for sharing and integrating e-services delivered to a recipient. The authors in their previous publications prepared a mathematical model supported by architectural framework to enable the creation of formally confirmed security mechanisms for such systems. In this…

The Relationship Between the Motivation Calculus and The Organizational Performance

Journal of Human Resources Management Research
This study follows the Motivation Calculus of Charles Handy conducted in a large multinational company’s branch located in Romania. The findings have been obtained by analyzing the responses to our questionnaire that tracks the “E” factors from a representative and diverse sample and comparing the…

Sustainable Development in the Global Distribution of Goods

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
In terms of environmental sustainability, we find that public procurement can favor the efficient use of natural resources, waste management, improved air and water quality, reduced use of hazardous chemicals etc. The purpose of this paper is to determine the impact of distribution procurement system…

OCL Queries of Historical Geographic Information

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
Searching for precise information contained in large textual files is very time consuming and error prone. Investigating past and historical data concerning geography and economy can be facilitated a lot when the data is appropriately stored in a data base or and the corresponding schema…

The Motivation of Generations: What Drives Generation X, Y, Z?

Journal of Human Resources Management Research
Generations X, Y, and Z are shaped by different groups which, at the stage of developing their personality, prepared for work and entered the labor market under various socio-economic conditions. This resulted in differences not only in behavior but also in preferences in terms of…

Long-Tail Distribution Financial Recommender Systems Embedded into Social Networks

Communications of the IBIMA
Modern financial recommender systems of online social networks have switched to using extended databases that take into account not only mass and typical, but also peripheral and personalized requests of network users. Such systems use ‘long-tail’ technology. ‘Long-tail’ recommender systems demonstrate the ability to consider…