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Does Poland’s Economy Meet the Criteria of Real Convergence with the Euro Area?

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
EU catching up countries, which operate in a monetary union with highly developed countries, recorded good economic results until the 2008+ crisis. However, their resistance to the economic recession turned out to be much lower than that of the economically stronger countries (except Poland). The…

Seeking for A Development Strategy for Peru In A Volatile Global Economy

Journal of Economics Studies and Research
This article assesses the possibility of improving the development of the external economic sector in Latin America as a whole and in Peru in particular, by analyzing the theory of international trade and current economic trends in the world. By using statistics from the foreign…

Female Directors and Corporate Social Performance of Listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria

Journal of African Research in Business & Technology
The board objective of any company is the center force that determines its overall performance and the basis for evaluation of the strength and weakness of the company. The efficacy of a board depends largely on the traits and qualities of the personalities of the…

Analysis of Abusive 112 Emergency Calls in Romania

Journal of Administrative Sciences and Technology
The abusive calls subdivision of the non-emergency calls made to the 112-emergency system represent a concern for the administrators of other such services worldwide, since they generate suboptimal use or even waste of resources. Preventing this scenario requires countermeasures to limit the impact of such…

The Emerging Trend of Niche Tourism: Impact Analysis

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
This research paper addresses the current tourism global market shift towards a niche tourism approach and focuses on some of the most significant tourism forms in this growing sector, analyzing both the current development and future evolution of these tourism trends, also taking into account…

Reviewing Influence of UTAUT2 Factors on Cyber Security Compliance: A Literature Review

Journal of Information Assurance & Cybersecurity
Evidence suggests that, regardless of the number of technical controls in place, organizations will still experience security breaches. Organizations spend millions of dollars on their cyber security infrastructure that includes technical and non-technical measures but mostly disregarded the most important asset and vulnerability the human.…

The Revamped World by The Coronavirus Pandemic

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
This article aims to illustrate the essential changes caused by the Coronavirus pandemic in all fields of activity. The implemented measures imposed to prevent the transmission of the virus generated the alteration of the normal lifestyle for everybody. Unfortunately, there is not much chance of…

The Crisis Management and the Civil Protection in Poland

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
The system of the civil protection in Poland has numerous challenges ahead of it and changes which are unavoidable. It seems to be essential for the execution of tasks associated with the civil protection to be consistent with tasks performed in frames of the crisis…

European Green Deal: The Recovery Strategy Addressing Inequalities

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
Climate and environmental challenges are a serious concern for all of us. Environmental degradation is a barrier to a fair and modern economy as well as a sustainable future. At the level of the European Community, policies are needed to ensure the transition to a…

Does Ethnicity Matters in Capital Structure Decision in Family Firms? Overview of Agency Theory

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
Drawing on the evidence indicating that prominent features of Asian companies are notably the concentrated ownership with extensive family ownership and dominance of controlling shareholders controlled by two main ethnic groups in Malaysia, namely the Chinese and the Malays, this study attempts to investigate the…