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Reviewing Influence of UTAUT2 Factors on Cyber Security Compliance: A Literature Review

Journal of Information Assurance & Cybersecurity
Evidence suggests that, regardless of the number of technical controls in place, organizations will still experience security breaches. Organizations spend millions of dollars on their cyber security infrastructure that includes technical and non-technical measures but mostly disregarded the most important asset and vulnerability the human.…

The Revamped World by The Coronavirus Pandemic

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
This article aims to illustrate the essential changes caused by the Coronavirus pandemic in all fields of activity. The implemented measures imposed to prevent the transmission of the virus generated the alteration of the normal lifestyle for everybody. Unfortunately, there is not much chance of…

The Crisis Management and the Civil Protection in Poland

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
The system of the civil protection in Poland has numerous challenges ahead of it and changes which are unavoidable. It seems to be essential for the execution of tasks associated with the civil protection to be consistent with tasks performed in frames of the crisis…

European Green Deal: The Recovery Strategy Addressing Inequalities

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
Climate and environmental challenges are a serious concern for all of us. Environmental degradation is a barrier to a fair and modern economy as well as a sustainable future. At the level of the European Community, policies are needed to ensure the transition to a…

Does Ethnicity Matters in Capital Structure Decision in Family Firms? Overview of Agency Theory

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
Drawing on the evidence indicating that prominent features of Asian companies are notably the concentrated ownership with extensive family ownership and dominance of controlling shareholders controlled by two main ethnic groups in Malaysia, namely the Chinese and the Malays, this study attempts to investigate the…

Understanding the Role of Local Tourist Actors as Online Destination Promoters: The “Terras de Trás-os-Montes” Case

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
Local communities are taking an increasingly major role in communicating a destination in terms of contact with tourists. Based on the assumption that tourist entities and agents are part of this community, it can be assumed that it is necessary for the territorial marketing regulators…

Effects of Gender and Performance: the Spanish Firms and the Economy for the Common Good

IBIMA Business Review
Firm performance has traditionally been evaluated on the basis of financial results; if a company achieved a profit or managed to increase profit levels, this was believed to indicate that it was doing well. However, it is now considered advisable to focus not only on…

The Pivotal Position of the Citizen in The Concept of Territorial Governance

Journal of North African Research in Business
The aim of this research is to examine how local authorities, and more particularly municipalities, should focus on the local population in order to develop their territorial strategies. The study of governance falls within the scope of research on the transformation of local public action…

The Influence of Indulgence and Long-Term Orientation on A Country’s Risk Aversion

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
This study explores the relationship between the Hofstede's cultural values of indulgence-restraint, long-term-short-term orientation, and risk aversion in 53 developed and developing countries. The author used linear multiple regression analysis, controlled for the countries' per capita income, and religiosity secondary data from multiple sources to…

The Role of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology in E-Learning Adoption in Higher Education Institutions in the UAE

IBIMA Business Review
Electronic learning is fast becoming a crucial aspect of learning in higher institutions of learning. Just as in any other technology, there are important factors that affect users’ behavioural intention to adopt e-learning. The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) identified performance…