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Connecting School Actors using Mobile Applications

Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
Communication between the different actors present in the school ecosystem is an essential issue. However, in a busy world where parents do not have much time to visit schools regularly, it is crucial to create mechanisms to better monitor student success and school demands. The…

The Effects of Cultural Aspects and Leadership Practices on the Healthcare Organizations’ Performance: The Case of Saudi Arabia

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
This article aims to investigate the effects of cultural factors and leadership practices towards organisational performance development in healthcare organizations. A case study of one of Saudi Arabia’s key healthcare providers was used. This study investigated the leadership practices, organizational culture, and performance improvement in…

Business Entrepreneurship Venture and Internally Generated Revenue: An Experience of Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Kwara State, Nigeria

Journal of South African Business Research
The study examines the business entrepreneurship venture and the internally generated revenue of Landmark University Omu-Aran, Kwara State, Nigeria. The study adopts a quantitative methodology and uses the regression analysis to test the significant impact by ordinary least square analysis and vector auto-regression estimates. The…

Humanization of International Law as Seen in The Example of International Economic Law (Economic Legal Order)

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
Despite the fundamental influence and multidimensional impact of the phenomenon of humanization on international law, the concept of humanization of international law has not been subject to quantity-wise extended analysis by legal scholars and commentators. As much as T. Meron’s findings addressing the humanization of…

Comparative Approach Regarding Good Governance

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
This paper tries to analyze good governance using an Eurostat and World Bank approach. In the first part, a brief history of good governance will be presented along with various definitions of the concept and its key characteristics. Then, in the second part, various indicators…

Data Mining Techniques in The Analysis of The Causal Factors Regarding Innovation in The Private Sector at The Level of Europe

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The rapid pace of growth of data quantities and the need to make sense of the information chaos have made it possible to introduce a new concept that encompasses these two aspects. Living in a world where we can identify a wealth of data and…

Reaching Informed Decisions: Corporate Governance, Knowledge Asymmetry and Intellectual Capital Influences in the International and Romanian Business Environment, before and after the Financial Crisis

Journal of Economics Studies and Research
The scientific research centers on the sensible aspects represented by reaching informed decisions both in the private and public sectors, while being under the influence of three key factors, namely: corporate governance, knowledge asymmetry, and intellectual capital. In continuation, this scientific work points out the…

System for Financing National Projects in Russia

Journal of Financial Studies and Research
National projects have become the main strategic instrument for stimulating the economic growth of the Russian economy and improving the level and quality of life of Russian citizens. Financing national projects, which is based on a program-oriented approach and involves the allocation of 95% of…

Determination of Evaluation Indicators and Establishment of Employees Performance Evaluation System

IBIMA Business Review
Employees’ performance appraisal can be seen as an intersection between employees and organizations’ expectations. The two main tasks in evaluating employees’ performance are the establishment of a system for evaluating performance, and the preparation of supervisors to play an effective role within the system and…

Measurement of The Effectiveness of Didactic Processes with The Use of Entropy

Journal of Human Resources Management Research
An important trend in management today is the attempt to demonstrate that training as an educational activity aimed at increasing specific competences of the staff is a serious investment, the return of which is measurable. Unfortunately, the assessment of the effectiveness of the training process…