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Assessment of Exposure to Disorders among Building Industry Workers Performing Selected Tasks

Journal of Human Resources Management Research
Work performed in the building industry contributes to the formation of many threats for employees. Microclimate factors, working at heights as well as dangerous substances used in the building space may cause a negative impact on the worker’s health. In order to evaluate the safety…

Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility Aspects Included in The Integrated Reports at OMV Petrom Group

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The need to make future-oriented rather than past information available to users has arisen due to the competitive environment and in the context of accelerating the globalization process. Organizations are required to develop new strategies to remain competitive in the long term. Organizations are encouraged…

Breaking Voice Authentication – Security Testing Approach

Journal of Information Assurance & Cybersecurity
A couple of years ago, along with raising popularity of smart devices that promote voice authentication mechanisms, voice recognition became a buzz topic again. Not only voice patterns recognition algorithms significantly improved their quality, but also with a rapid growth in the development of sound…

A Descriptive Study on Cybersecurity Challenges of Working from Home during COVID-19 Pandemic and a Proposed 8 step WFH Cyber-attack Mitigation Plan

Communications of the IBIMA
Organizations struggle to strike the right balance between flexibility and security for remote work. With the major portion of the workforce in every country working from home during the covid-19 pandemic, employers might not have accounted for this scale of load on their IT infrastructure,…

A Cross-sectional Study on Improving Privacy Policy Read Rate and Comprehension via Better UX/UI Design

Communications of the IBIMA
Data privacy is becoming one of the major risks faced by organizations. With the emergence of new technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), Automated vehicles, mobile payments, privacy is no longer a compliance issue, but also a user responsibility to ensure users are aware…

Orientation of The Cultural Organisation Activity and It’s Development Path

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
The development of the organisation is a multi-dimensional trajectory and as such there is no specific classification for its description. Developing a theoretical model of the organisation’s development based on its orientation can provide a clearer understanding and picture of the successes or issues faced…

SROI Methodology as a Vector of Sports’ Development

Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
The study is devoted to the use of the SROI methodology as a determining factor in the effectiveness of the use of budgetary funds provided for sports. Municipal sports’ organizations were considered as an applied base. The ratio of financial investments to the number of…

Pro-Efficiency Model of the Organizational Climate

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
Work is the main part of an adult's life. It significantly influences people's ideas and views, shapes their attitudes and life aspirations. For some, it becomes just a means of livelihood. For others, it is a way of expressing and making their personality real. Work…

Appreciating the Matters in which the Integrated Reports Respect the IIRC’s Requirements: Case Study for the Economic Entities from the European Space

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
This research approaches the international framework regarding the integrated reports the economic entities from the European space develop. Appreciating the measure in which the integrated reports of the European economic entities respect the requirements of the international reporting framework is being referenced. The issued hypotheses…

Conceptualising Social Media Entrepreneurial Engagement from the Socio-Cognitive Theory

Journal of Entrepreneurship: Research & Practice
The increasing accessibility to digital technologies has impacted the scope and nature of entrepreneurship activities. Through the Internet and platforms like the social media, entrepreneurs have been empowered to reach larger markets across geographical boundaries with potential impacts on economic outcomes. Therefore, the need to…