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How to Manage Generations? An Approach based on the Quality of Work Life

IBIMA Business Review
The objectives of this research are to examine whether there are significant differences in the perception of quality of work life among employees of three generational cohorts (i.e., Baby Boomers, Generation Xers and Millennials) and to propose some strategies from HRM in order to manage…

Efficiency of Weak Signals’ Detection: Interpretive Aspects of Threat Signal Perceiving

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
The problem of many warning systems is the phenomenon of so-called “surprise", involving a failure to spot the symptoms of upcoming undesirable events in time. This often happens despite the presence of technologically advanced detection and monitoring systems. It is believed that the solution to…

CSR Reporting Standards: Implementation in Polish Enterprises

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
Corporate social responsibility is a concept according to which business entities, when formulating their goals, take into account social interests. Conducting activities in accordance with this idea means that enterprises comply with all formal and legal requirements as well as increased investment in human resources,…

Considerations on Green Public Procurement of Coaches

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The paper analyzes the features of green public procurement of coaches in Romania. The paper presents a model of a process of preparing the green procurement procedure in order to determine the award criteria. In the presented model, purchase prices need to be estimated and…

Business Intelligence Challenges: Case Studies of Saudi General Agencies

Journal of Organizational Knowledge Management
The aim is to research organizations that want to implement self-service business intelligence, to discuss and validate the ten predefined challenges and explain their own challenges. Three Saudi sectors with business intelligence at different maturity levels were selected for qualitative case studies to examine the…

International Career: What Attracts Lithuanian Talent?

Journal of EU Research in Business
The main goal of this paper is to analyse the trends of Talent Acquisition as a marketing strategy and implement the results to create a Foreign Talent Acquisition Strategy for a boutique recruitment agency in Lithuanian market. The literature regarding the topic was analysed in…

How Do Stakeholder Pressure Influence On CSR-Practices in Poland? The Construction Industry Case

Journal of EU Research in Business
Many factors drive the construction industry's environmental influence. The stakeholder theory posits that stakeholder pressure is one of the most vital powers which determines CSR implementation and can provide organizations with the motivation to adopt corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy. The embedding of CSR within…

Aspects Regarding The Certified Seed Production In Romania

Research in Agriculture and Agronomy
Seeds; the genetic material used for sowing is responsible for the quality and quantity of crops, the food security of the region and, in some cases, the safety and health of the population. The main factors underlying agricultural production are: seeds, soils, and technologies used…

The Profitability of SMEs in the Agricultural Context of Venezuela

Journal of Economics Studies and Research
The present work was oriented to describe the types of profitability in small and medium enterprises in the agricultural context of Venezuela, based on the theoretical foundations of Ebrard and Brigham (2012), Baena (2010), Besley and Brighman (2010), among others who define profitability as the…

Parameters for Use of Waste Castor-Oil Seed (Ricinus communis) as Biomass

International Journal of Renewable Energy & Biofuels
The culture of castor bean use is growing in Latin America. After extracting the oil, the biomass waste is considered for energy based on its thermal energy potential of about 18 kJ*g-1. When using biomass, it is important for the product to be dry, both…