Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Using Blockchain Technology and Wordnet Semantic Relations For the Land Registry System

Innovations in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems: 37AI 2021
The purpose of this paper is to present a prototype of an IT solution using two technologies, WordNet and Blockchain, to develop a new type of Land Registry tool. The present Electronic Land and Mortgage Register system in Poland is characterized by accessibility and transparency…

How Hospitals in Poland Use Social Media During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Digital Strategies and Decision-Making in Health Care During the COVID-19 Era: 37ISMCOVID 2021
The paper seeks to answer the question of the degree to which hospital management uses social media to communicate with stakeholders. The work looked into websites and social media activity of 288 hospitals in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic from 15.01.2021 to 22.02.2021 using web…

The Future Course and Application of Big Data Solutions in the Support of Decision-making in Businesses

Innovations in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems: 37AI 2021
The amount of data is continuously rising. It is especially the case of unstructured data that can contain a substantial information value if a business is able to capture and process it. For this reason, new technologies, methods and procedures emerged that are collectively noted…

A Linear Programming Model for Optimizing Resources Within a Factory

Innovations in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems: 37AI 2021
The major goal of any organization is the need to meet the expectation of client’s within the stipulated period of request. The expectation of customers can only be met if the products or services are designed at a high quality with a low cost to…

Stock Market Boom amidst the Economic Downturn: A Critical Evaluation of the Paradox

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
The outbreak of novel Corona virus across the world has seriously affected people’s life in general. Economies in and around the world are facing challenges due to this pandemic. The impact of corona virus is not a cyclical or seasonal fluctuations in the economy rather…

Development of Knowledge-Based Economy in Romania Through Research and Innovation

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
We can observe in the present the appearance of a new economy based on knowledge and ideas, in which the key factor of prosperity and economic growth is the superior knowledge capitalization. In this new type of economy knowledge is considered to be the driving…

Parking Space Detection Using Computer Vision: A Systematic Review of the Literature

Innovations in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems: 37AI 2021
Currently, the business environment, which every company faces, is highly competitive and changing. Today’s innovation is tomorrow's standard and this is no different in parking lots, which also face a very competitive environment. It involves various factors that determine the level of demand, such as…

Review of Public Aid to EU Banks Between 2008 and 2019

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
This paper examines relationship between state aid provided to banks and selected indicators of banking system. In difference to previous studies that link bank failure with low level of core capital or high percentage of NPLs, this study takes broader approach. First, I examine relationship…

Digit Recognition and Classification from Digital Display Without Network Connection

Innovations in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems: 37AI 2021
The paper describes an approach to recognizing numbers from digital displays using convolutional neural networks and computer vision. The proposed approach is to use the solution on a mobile device under the control of the Android operating system without using the Internet or mobile data.…

A Survey on Quantum Sorting Algorithms

Innovations in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems: 37AI 2021
The appearance of quantum computing in the last decade had expanded research interest in applying quantum features to solve computational problems. The use of quantum mechanic’s principles offering a computational speed-up over the classical approach. This paper includes a review of state-of-art quantum sorting algorithms and…
