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Innovative Approach to the Human Management: What Has an Impact on Business Performance?

Journal of North African Research in Business
Technological and marketing skills, innovative capacity, competencies and human capital are currently the subject of increasing and frequent focus in the economic press and the managers’ discourses, whereas researches and writings about management knowledge are outnumbering] 6[, as well as those about organizational skills] 16[,…

The Relationship between the Economic and Financial Crises and Unemployment Rate in the European Union: How Institutions Affected Their Linkage?

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
This paper aims to estimate the impact of economic and financial crises on the unemployment rate in the European Union, taking also into consideration the institutional specificities, since unemployment was the main channel through which the economic and financial crisis influenced the social developments.. In…

How Private Equity Funds Boost the Competitiveness of Companies (Based On Polish Cases)

Journal of Financial Studies and Research
In order for a company to develop, it needs to be innovative. However, the company must first reach the right level of employment and turnover. In turn, in order for a company to reach this appropriate level, sufficient capital resources are necessary. A private equity…

Internationalization Strategies Revisited: Main Models and Approaches

IBIMA Business Review
The growing trend for globalisation changes the way companies organise themselves and their way of acting, and impels them to consider the development of their activities in the international trade. This paper revises the main contributions regarding the debate on the internationalisation of companies. Considering…

The Nexus between Financial Development and Economic Growth: Evidence from European Countries

Journal of Economics Studies and Research
The subprime crisis brought new challenges for the European countries that’s why this study examines the relationship between banking sector development, stock market development and economic growth, using annual data, for the period 1990-2015, in twelve European Countries (Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland,…

Inter-organizational Cooperation as part of Open Innovation

Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practice
Innovation occupies an important place among factors determining the competitiveness of enterprises.  In the context of turbulent environment, research on enterprise innovation emphasizes the fact that innovation processes can no longer focus only on internal knowledge. Innovative processes of modern enterprises are increasingly open to…

The R(Evolution) of Territorial Marketing : Towards an Identity Marketing

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
In a context of asserted competition, political decision-makers in charge of territorial destiny can no longer resolve to “do things well”, they must ‘do the right things”, those that will be the most structuring and the most determining for the future of the territory. They…

Operational Knowledge Management in a Manufacturing Enterprise in the High-Tech Sector: Case Study

Journal of Organizational Knowledge Management
The importance of knowledge for the functioning of modern enterprises has been raised in a number of research and scientific studies. Despite the great interest in the subject of knowledge, there is still a lack of clear, unified foundations in knowledge management, especially in small…

Trends in Loyalty Points Redemption in a Lebanese Commercial Bank

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
This research investigates the impact of demographical factors and cardholders’ attributes on their credit card spending and accumulation of loyalty points; after the introduction of a loyalty program.This study consists of a sample of 507 active bank clients over a period of 2 years (since…

Development of an Original Methodology For Assessment of Private-Public Integration Efficiency Level

Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practice
Purpose: The Analysis of the accumulated foreign experience and Russian practices shows that the most relevant institution of all the institutional interactions between the government and the private companies is the partnership institution remarkable for the combination of the institutional parity, autonomy of will, participants’…