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Evaluation of the Success of an Academic Portal: An Exploratory Study of the Staff’s Perspective

Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
This paper discusses the findings of an exploratory study that intended to evaluate the success of an Academic Portal, Secretaria Online, from the perspective of staff members. This study used a questionnaire based on the information systems success model of DeLone and McLean. This paper…

Factors in Planning Strategic Marketing Communication: Project Management Software

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
The aim of the exploratory study was to gain an understanding of the key uses and features from those who use project management software to better understand user benefits which in turn aids in choosing advertising language for specific target audience segments for better targeted…

Is the COVID-19 Pandemic the Reason for Changes in Consumer Behaviour?

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
COVID-19 pandemic was the main reason last year that determined changes in our behavior. COVID-19 changed people's behavior, and its effects will be long-lasting. We had become more nervous and unsocial. But, on the other hand, we were more careful with what we eat during…

Using Process Mining to Analyze an Emergency Service

Journal of Software and Systems Development
Digital solutions open up advances in institutions and in the services they provide. Many organizations collect large amounts of data (Big Data), but the value of these data is not readily available. Any possible solution to solve this problem is seen as an opportunity to…

Digital Literacy, Digital Culture and Digitalization in Europe

Journal of Internet and e-business Studies
The main goal of the research is to analyse and disclose linkage between digital literacy, digital culture and digitalization. The literature review covers explanation of the main concepts of European culture and digital literacy and provides an overview of previous research on digital literacy and…

Innovative and Sustainable Business Strategies: The Case of Portuguese SMEs

IBIMA Business Review
The definition and implementation by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of innovative and sustainable strategies have increased over time as a solution to obtain a competitive advantage over competitors and to generate positive socio-environmental externalities. This study aims to assess the potential impact of innovative…

Evidence of the Long-term Influence of Local Regulations as a Challenge to the International Harmonization of Financial Reporting

Journal of Financial Studies and Research
The study aims to assess the potential long-term effects of the ‘accounting culture’ sedimented in POC on the materialization of the concepts in IAS and IFRS. Through the archive research as a method, the contents of the consolidated reports of the entities listed in the…

Evaluation of the Innovative Activity of Insurance Companies in the Framework of Supporting the Development Policy of Business Incubators

Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practice
Research motivation is determined by establishing the role of development policy and the legislative framework in stimulating innovations during the transition of the economy of the Republic of Moldova to an innovative path of development focused on European integration. The analysis of the development of…

Evaluation of Methods Used to Study the Impact of Innovation on Enterprise Value

Journal of EU Research in Business
The main goal of the paper is to critically review the concepts of studying the impact of the implementation of innovation projects on the value of the company and their critical assessment, as well as to identify the conditions affecting the choice of an appropriate…

Jurisdiction Issues in Cyberspace: An Overview in Respect of Brunei and Malaysia Compared to The United States’ System

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
Cyberspace is a borderless world. It refuses to accord geopolitical boundaries. This means that cyberspace has no physical boundaries and limitations. Despite the benefits it offers, it places a unique challenge for states mainly on the issue of jurisdiction and sovereignty. This article aims to…