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Poland’s Monetary Policy Challenges in 2020-2021

Journal of Economics Studies and Research
The article analyses causes and consequences of changes in Poland's monetary policy in 2020-2021. It offers a detailed description of three major changes: the purchases of state-issued and guaranteed bonds on the secondary market starting in March/April 2020, the central bank’s interest rates cut on…

Leadership In Multicultural Teams

Journal of EU Research in Business
Due to the constantly changing environment contemporary organizations need to redefine the roles of their managers and highlight the significance of certain competencies. They are primarily required to attract, maintain and develop the most competent people, keep a high efficiency, stimulate innovation, adjust mutual visions,…

The Effect of Performance Expectancy on Actual Use of E-learning throughout the Mediation Role of Behaviour Intention

Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
Performance expectancy is the extent to which an individual believes that using a system will help him or her attain gains in job performance. In the context of this study, performance expectancy refers to the student’s belief that using e-learning will be beneficial and interesting…

Bitcoin Price and Miner Behavior an Application of ARDL Model

Journal of Financial Studies and Research
Bitcoin price volatility has always been a hot topic in the economic world as well as the academia, and many researchers have explored the price dynamic formation from different aspects. This study employs the AutoRegressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model to explain the bitcoin price formation…

Prediction Models in The Managerial Decision-Making on The Application of UAVs in Tourism

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
This article offers recommendations for companies’ managers connected to the application of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in tourism. This is based on the analysis of data and the utilization of predictive modelling techniques (including exponential smoothing, machine learning). The set of scientific methods applied included…

Proposed Framework for the Usage of Information Technology Tools to Enhance Knowledge Management Process of Organizations

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
Despite the importance of information technology (IT) to the knowledge management process, many studies found that the usage of IT in the knowledge management process has not been very successful mainly because of the improper utilization and integration of IT into the knowledge management. Hence,…

The Knowledge Components in DDMKCC Model as the Catalyst of a Hybrid DSS – the IT Company Case Study

Journal of Organizational Knowledge Management
This paper shows the importance of the knowledge components in the DDMKCC (Data-Dialog-Management-Knowledge-Communication-Creativity) model as the catalyst of hybrid DSS in the context of BI system implementation in a chosen IT company. The DDMKCC model is described based on the theoretical research and a literature…

Is Microplastic a Risk for Organic Farming Products?

Research in Agriculture and Agronomy
Research background: Food production is more and more globalized concerning not only the suppliers of food ingredients and producers but also the environmental trends and solutions available on the market. Organic farming production is one of the possible solutions to produce high quality food products…

Does Product Related Knowledge and Non-Functional Cues Matter for Financial Decisions: Consumer Perception towards Islamic Banking of Pakistan

IBIMA Business Review
The objective of this study was to empirically assess the influence of non-functional cues (such as country of origin, bank name, advertising, and price/services charges) on consumers purchasing decisions in Islamic banking services. Consumers evaluate services using a variety of quality indicators. Although their impact…

Agency Relation in Online Charity Crowdfunding: The Role of Transparency to Attract Donation

IBIMA Business Review
The purpose of this study was to examine the agency relationship in online charity crowdfunding. This study investigates the role of transparency in attracting intention to donate using agency theory, which has been unexplained in the previous research. The effect of transparency on intention to…