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The Pivotal Position of the Citizen in The Concept of Territorial Governance

Journal of North African Research in Business
The aim of this research is to examine how local authorities, and more particularly municipalities, should focus on the local population in order to develop their territorial strategies. The study of governance falls within the scope of research on the transformation of local public action…

The Influence of Indulgence and Long-Term Orientation on A Country’s Risk Aversion

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
This study explores the relationship between the Hofstede's cultural values of indulgence-restraint, long-term-short-term orientation, and risk aversion in 53 developed and developing countries. The author used linear multiple regression analysis, controlled for the countries' per capita income, and religiosity secondary data from multiple sources to…

The Role of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology in E-Learning Adoption in Higher Education Institutions in the UAE

IBIMA Business Review
Electronic learning is fast becoming a crucial aspect of learning in higher institutions of learning. Just as in any other technology, there are important factors that affect users’ behavioural intention to adopt e-learning. The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) identified performance…

Database Encryption for Balance Between Performance and Security

Journal of Information Assurance & Cybersecurity
In an increasingly digital world, information security is a very recurring theme and a growing concern for companies. This involves the protection of data and confidential or non-confidential information of a company, which transit between all its sectors and between the organization and its stakeholders.…

Strengthening the Quality of Service Oriented to Medical Tourists: A Strategy for The Sustainability of The Hotel Sector in Barraquilla

IBIMA Business Review
Medical tourism has shown a sustained increase in recent years in Colombia. As part of the DNA in the dynamics of the hotel sector, the quality of service is a fundamental aspect that determines how the medical tourist perceives his stay. Therefore, quality of service…

Insecurity, Peace Journalism and National Development: Perspectives of Herdsmen-Farmers’ Conflict in Two Nigerian States

Journal of African Research in Business & Technology
This article examined media’s perspective on insecurity in Nigeria against the background of herdsmen and farmers conflict in Benue, State, North-central and Enugu States, Southeast Nigeria. With existing literature focusing more on causes and historical antecedents of the conflicts, the paper aggregates Peace Journalism as…

Conflict Management Styles with Peers at Work: Gender and Levels of Education Differences

Journal of EU Research in Business
There is currently a growing need for workers, at different levels, to learn and develop new behaviors, namely regarding interpersonal relationships with co-workers. This article focuses on styles of handling interpersonal conflict between peers in an organizational context. In order to evaluate interpersonal conflict handling…

Software Engineering Techniques for the Extraction of Ontology of Historical Geographic Information

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
Unorganized processing textual information in large files is time consuming and error-prone, especially if the texts are ununiform. Investigating past and historical data concerning geography and economics can be facilitated a lot when the data is stored in a data base or has a proper…

Managing the Competitiveness of Moscow Underground (Metro) Based on Consumer Satisfaction

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
This article presents an original methodology of consumer assessments of satisfaction with the quality of a product/service based on N. Kano's model; the article describes a study of customer satisfaction with the technical quality of Moscow underground (metro) services carried out in accordance with the…

Modification of the State Budget and Tax Policy for E-commerce in the Context of the Global Corona Crisis

Journal of Financial Studies and Research
The article reveals topical issues of improving the state budget and tax policy for e-commerce entities in the global economic crisis caused by the spread of corona virus infection COVID-19. The purpose of the article is to study the current state of e-commerce in Ukraine…