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Level of Life Quality in Two Selected Mountain Municipalities in Poland

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The circumstances for conducted this study was a life level assessment in the aspect of mountain community economic development, as well as the safety level at work in the agriculture and in the local industry. The key issue in such places is tourism, which results…

Sovereign Wealth Funds Empirical Studies: A Critical View

Journal of Economics Studies and Research
Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) is an increasing power in the global financial markets due to their large assets and growing number. They continue to make headline news and capture the attention of academics, practitioners and policymakers. The authors summarize empirical research on SWFs and conclude…

Tourist of The North Portugal Region and Local Accommodation: Influences and Motivations

IBIMA Business Review
Local Accommodation is increasingly an option for those who travel and seek new concepts or follow trends. The present research aims to understand what the main influence and motivation factors are when the tourist of the north Portugal chooses local accommodation in Portugal and abroad.…

Carbon Emission Disclosure, Media Exposure, Environmental Performance, Characteristics of Companies: Evidence from Non Fincancial Sectors In Indonesia

Journal of Accounting and Auditing: Research & Practice
This paper is aiming to analyze the influence of media exposure, environmental performance, type of industry, company size, profitability and leverage on the carbon emission disclosure in non financial sectors in Indonesia. The carbon emission disclosure was measured by scoring a checklist of the carbon…

Enterprise Architecture of the Blockchain Platform

Journal of Internet and e-business Studies
The main purpose of the paper is to discuss the nature of the enterprise architecture of the blockchain platform (EAoBP). The authors also highlighted how the main technology challenges for enterprises are addressed through the proposed solution. The paper consists of the introduction and 3…

Production Automation as A Factor in Improving Product Quality in The Automotive Industry

Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practice
The automation of production is an important element in the functioning of any production enterprise. The aim of this article is to analyze the quality of the product made manually with the use of spot-welding machines and to analyze the quality of the product made…

Communication of National Audit Agencies: Case study of Romania and Albania

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
In a world where the fight against corruption is the key point of government programs, auditing is of particular importance, as it directly affects the use of public money. This study focuses on the activity of the Supreme Audit Institutions in Romania and Albania through…

The Relationships between Contributive HRM and the Value of the Competitive Human Factor in MNCs – The Empirical Research Findings

IBIMA Business Review
The conceptual and empirical studies on the relationships between the HRM contributive practices and the company’s performance results have been performed in many ways for the last few decades. However, only few of them incorporated the contributive role of HRM in competition for the human…

The Exclusion of People with Visual Disabilities from Digital Banking Services in the Digitalization Era

Journal of Electronic Banking Systems
The accessibility of bank websites has been a great challenge for people with visual disabilities, especially in developing countries.  Egypt is considered a good example for such countries with a population over than 98 million.  The low level of staff expertise in dealing with visually…

A Comparative Study of Security and Privacy in Electronic Health Records

Journal of e-health Management
Electronic health records (EHR) systems can provide doctors and other healthcare professionals with a greater access to the patient’s information in a timely manner. Researchers will also have more complete and higher quality data to improve diagnosis and treatments. However, people have genuine privacy concerns…