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Perception of Adults about the Anime Products in Romania

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
This paper is focused on the adult public of entertainment. The purpose is to find if they keep their interest for the anime products, like before, when they were young. The study proves that adults watch anime, appreciate it and its relative products, for some…

Contemporary Civilization Challenges in The Light of The Security Challenges of European Countries on The Example of Poland

Journal of EU Research in Business
The article is aimed at showing the values and significance of Western civilization and culture built on its foundation or rather multiculturalism (polyculturalism) in the context of contemporary challenges of state security. Special attention should be paid to the threats resulting from reductionist and superficial…

The Impact of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Loyalty via the Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction: An Empirical Study on Private Kuwaiti Fitness Gyms

IBIMA Business Review
The existing research paper was built based on an existing literature from previous researchers and articles and done in a different context (i.e. industry and country). Further, this research contributes to enabling others to understand more between customer relationship management, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty…

Classroom Evolution: The Swing Towards Blended and Flipped Learning

Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
The predominant focus of eLearning information systems remains distance delivery and the blending of this distance education within the classroom. Comparatively, little work has been (or is being) undertaken to advance the use of technologies (eLearning) within the ‘classroom only’ situation as eLearning is not…

Augmented Reality and Mobile Technologies in Building Management Systems: A Case Study

Journal of Mobile Technologies, Knowledge and Society
Through the application augmented reality, there is an increasing number of buildings that are projected to become increasingly smarter to increase the operational efficiency of those buildings without significantly impacting the costs. This work examined the application of augmented reality in building management systems using…

Absorptive Capacity and the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth in Nigeria

Journal of Economics Studies and Research
In order to achieve a sustainable rate of economic growth, Nigeria like other developing countries needs to adopt and implement new technologies available in developed countries. Foreign direct investment can perform the role of bridging this gap because it facilitates technological diffusion. However, the effect…

Local Governments, Traditional Councils and Public Relations Practices in Ogun State, Nigeria: An Awareness Study

Journal of EU Research in Business
Activities of local governments and traditional councils have the greatest impact on millions of ordinary Nigerians. Normally, public relations should be a tool for communicating these actions to create public awareness. However, there are questions whether public relations tools are being applied successfully to create…

Measurement of Professional Value Orientation of Military Professionals

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
The aim of the manuscript is to inform about the background, methodology, course, and results of research into the professional value orientation of Czech military professionals - students of the University of Defense (hereinafter UoD) military study programs - future career officers. The described research,…

Skills Gap and Upskilling: Isolating and Reducing the Gap in MENA e-Businesses

Journal of Human Resources Management Research
The twenty-first century brought with it technological advancements, increasing business demands, and massive economic crises that have forced many professions to be reinvented over and over again. Employers all around the world are demanding greater levels of skills from their employees, and this trend appears…

The Impact of Facebook on Jordanian Consumers’ Decision Process in the Hotel Selection

IBIMA Business Review
This study aims to explore the impact of Facebook on consumers’ decision process in the hotel selection. The research population is customers who use social media; as a sample of 610 was chosen randomly from Jordanian customers in the hotel industry. The study used quantitative…