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IT Employee Satisfaction in a Bank

Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practice
Employee IT user satisfaction is important for companies, especially in regulated industries as financial services, especially for workers interacting directly with the clients. This paper analyses the impact of various factors against rating given for IT User Satisfaction in a bank. In retail banking, customer-facing…

The Magnitude of Corruption in Romanian Public Universities: Preliminary Results of a Research Based on National Particularities

Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
Corruption is a global issue and also a challenge, which is affecting the perspective of developing and transition countries, like Romania.  Generally speaking, the attempt to define the phenomenon of corruption is very difficult, due to its’ multiple approaches and variable forms. Corruption in higher…

The Value of Structured and Unstructured Content Analytics of Employees’ Opinion Mining

Journal of Administrative Sciences and Technology
Employees and their knowledge are critical for a company’s success and were extensively covered by literature. Free form of knowledge, as opinions or feedback is analyzed in some companies in order to understand potential areas of improvement or satisfaction. This research focuses on analyzing free…

Applying the Theory of Acceptance Model to Consumer Acceptance of Taxi-Hailing Mobile App

Journal of Internet and e-business Studies
This study aims to measure factors that can influence a person’s intention to use an ojek-hailing online application. Ojek is a local name in Indonesia for a motorbike taxi. Ojek is now considered as a form of sharing economy as some of the drivers are…

Nexus Generation Job Creators: A Review of Generational Attributes and Opportunities

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
The development of modern business technology provides an opportunity for future virtual entrepreneurs to start-up a product and build their very own empires at a very low cost and no border interactivity with the consumer because the information is easily accessible. The generation with the…

Audiobook- the Paradigm of the Portuguese Publishing Market

Journal of EU Research in Business
Initially, the audiobook was not a product to be marketed, being produced only for libraries, in order to allow access to information for the blind. In 2005, with the appearance of the first specialized audiobook, publishers in Portugal, the audiobooks began to be produced in…

Organizational Cultural Factors Influencing Continuous Improvement in Saudi Universities

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
Continuous Improvement (CI) is described as a culture of sustainable improvements aimed at making organizational processes and systems increasingly efficient. The importance of CI, especially in higher education institutions (HEIs), relies heavily on those institutions’ importance in the success of individuals, organizations and countries as…

Aspects of the transition of young people from education to the workplace, in Romania and Bulgaria

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
In the European Union, the analysis of the process of  young graduates absorption by the labor market as well as the specific characteristics is a priority in the formulation of employment policies and of those with educational profile, which pay more attention to increase the…

Understanding Fashion Buying Motivation for SME

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
This paper offers a concise view on the way in which the motivation of textile product consumers influences the activity of micro-enterprises and small and medium companies. Changes in behavior can bring benefits but also disadvantages to new entrepreneurs that are taking the first steps…

White Land Tax: Evidence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Journal of Accounting and Auditing: Research & Practice
Following Sharia Law, the white land tax of 2.5 percent has been introduced and targeted to undeveloped land in the urban areas in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This tax acts as a penalty to the vacant land. This study is motivated to provide some…