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Can Female CEOS of Multinational Companies Play A Role in Improving Both Organizational Practices and Innovation?

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
The present research analyses the influence of both characteristics and management methods of female CEOs on organizational practice and innovation. This qualitative and comprehensive study looks at 105 female CEOs of big international companies in 2014. The research results suggest that the characteristics of female…

Relationship Quality and Loyalty: A Modeling of the Relationship through the Structural Equations Method

Journal of Supply Chain and Customer Relationship Management
Relationship quality is one of the key elements in helping firms to develop and maintain a lasting relationship with their customers. Although the concept of relationship quality is at the core of a rich and varied body of research, its conceptualization is still subject to…

Churn Prediction in Telecommunication Industry: Model Interpretability

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The large number of studies published in the last ten years on the problem of customers migrating from one telecommunications service provider to another competing provider proves that this problem has become a major concern for this industry and beyond. The purpose of this paper…

Key Corporate Governance Features within Romanian Banks Listed on Bucharest Stock Exchange: A Thorough Scrutiny and Assessment

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
High standards and principles in the governance of companies and banks are indispensable for emerging markets and economic growth; banks have a critical position in economies’ progress, due to their major role in running the financial system. Moreover, banking industry is distinctive since it is…

Information Perceived Quality: An Analysis of the Perceived Risks Related to E-Health Information Search

Journal of e-health Management
The accessibility of health information on the Internet has allowed to be informed more easily without a waiting period of consultation with a doctor and thus avoid the expensive costs that result. This practice, although beneficial, represents certain risk related to the quality of the…

North of Portugal and Galicia (Spain) as Tourism Destinations: Residents’ Evaluation

IBIMA Business Review
The dry border between the North of Portugal and Galicia presents structural, demographic and economic problems that must be overcome, but also natural, cultural and touristic resources that must be enhanced. From a more critical perspective, tourism must be discussed as an important strategic sector…

Emerging Trends, Challenges and Innovative Approaches for the Next Millennium

Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
This paper intends to verify the conclusions of the experts in North-American context regarding the perceptions of the trends, challenges and information technologies developments of the university professors, instructors, administrators, educators and graduate school students in Philippines. The concept of the study is built on…

Indonesia Renewable Energy Power Plant Pricing Policy Comparison

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
The use of renewable energy in Indonesia has been started since 2004 through green energy policy. But until now the increase of renewable energy in energy mix has not shown a significant increase. Renewable energy pricing scheme are indicated to be one of the causes…

The Role of Tourism in The Czech Economy

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The serious position of tourism as an increasingly important sector of the economy, not only in the Czech Republic but also worldwide, is indisputable. Although we are talking about a relatively new human activity that has strengthened its position in the academic and business world only…

Corporate Governance, Internal Audit and Profitability: “Evidence from P.I.G.S. Countries”

Journal of Accounting and Auditing: Research & Practice
This paper aims to explore whether and how specific corporate governance and internal audit determinants affect the profitability of businesses in the countries internationally called P.I.G.S. (Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain, respectively). The sample consists of listed companies of the Southern European countries P.I.G.S. The survey…