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Study on the Types of Deviant Workplace Behavior in Croatian IT Companies

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
This paper deals with the concept of deviant workplace behavior. The paper presents the results of an empirical study on the types of deviant workplace behavior in Croatian companies in the Information Technology sector (IT). The difference in the occurrence of deviant workplace behavior by…

Sustainability in Health Service Industry: The Implementation of Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA) as an Eco-Efficient Analysis

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
This research intends to analyze the level of efficiency at hospitals to increase the efficiency of productivity and industrial competitiveness, and to support the government's commitment regarding the Sustainability Development Goals program. This research performed a productivity analysis using Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA) which…

Improving Workplace Services using a Facility Management Platform Sensors Monitoring

Journal of Human Resources Management Research
The aim of this paper is to develop an advanced sensor monitoring system and to correlate it with a Facility Management (FM) enterprise platform in order to support the facilities managers to make decisions regarding the use of space or the cancellation of reservations. For…

Teleworking and Its Influence On Job Satisfaction

Journal of Human Resources Management Research
The effectivity of work performance is affected by the job satisfaction of employees. Most important determinants of this satisfaction include physical working conditions, social relationships, possibility of open and direct communication, etc. Shortcomings in this regard will be reflected in the quality of work performance.…

A Heuristic Method of Constructing Shortlists of Attractive Offers

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
Thanks to the Internet, consumers can easily obtain basic information about a very large number of offers at very little cost. This enables consumers to judge whether an offer of a unique valuable good (such as a flat or second-hand car) is potentially attractive, but…

Emigration and Tolerance: Does Preserving Connections Help Enhance Social Tolerance in Romania?

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
By using World Value Survey data, I investigated whether emigration contributed to raising the level of social tolerance in Romania. In investigating this hypothesis, I used two waves of survey data for building a social tolerance index and analyzing it in relation to country specific…

Well-being in Women’s Decision to Start a Business

Journal of Entrepreneurship: Research & Practice
The aim of the article is to present the importance of well-being for young women starting their own business. The authors analyzed the relationship between the concepts of welfare, mental well-being and quality of life. In the following chapters, they present the results of previous…

AI Powered Management through Individualization: The Dawn of a New Management Era

Journal of Human Resources Management Research
The objective of the Article is to present the concept of employees’ management through individualization, which supports effective attainment of business objectives. The Manager has to manage people with varying belief systems and internal resources. Managers lack tools that would support them in management in…

Evaluating The Impact of Subsidies in Reducing Unemployment in Romania

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
Having in mind the importance of effective Active Labour Market Policies (ALMPs) to boost employment, this paper aims to provide an impact study on employment for three types of active labour market measures implemented in Romania. These measures address companies who employ graduates of education…

Perceptions towards Cryptocurrency Adoption: A case of Saudi Arabian Citizens

Journal of Electronic Banking Systems
The global financial market is influenced by relatively new technologies such as cryptocurrencies; namely Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and others. Cryptocurrencies are a challenging area in finance that requires additional attention from the academic community as they can have a potentially large impact on society and…