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The Importance of The Public Domain Development Projects Carried Out by The Baraganul of South-East Local Action Group

Journal of e-Government Studies and Best Practices
There are situations in which most of the amounts allocated to a LAG are intended to finance both measures and projects that have as eligible beneficiaries the public authorities in the LAG territory, although the public sector does not have a majority in the decision-making…

Exploring the Impact of Transformation to Web-based Learning: Business Students perspective During COVID-19 Out-Break

IBIMA Business Review
The closure of educational activities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia due to the enduring COVID-19 pandemic resulted in an unanticipated change from conventional learning to a setup that only comprises digital teaching and learning. In this context, the current study sought to investigate undergraduate…

The New Circular Economic Model for Sustainable Food Production and Consumption

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The transition from the traditional economic model, focused on the consumption of natural resources, to the circular economy based on the reintroduction of secondary raw materials into the economic flow is the solution for economic agents to generate significant comparative advantages and to improve productivity,…

Structural Changes in the Energy Sector versus Economic Growth, Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions in 2000-2018 – the Global and Regional Perspective

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The paper covers a conceptualisation of the meaning of energy and energy policy as well as an empirical analysis of economic growth, energy consumption and CO2 emissions.  The empirical research aims at evaluating the advancement of the transformation of the energy sector. It was carried…

Process Managing the Study Abroad Experience: An Innovative Framework

Journal of Organizational Knowledge Management
In the fast-changing business landscape, the challenge to emulate breakthroughs to improve process efficiency and productivity while increasing organization value has become a priority of most organizations. Ultimately, the aim is to meet business objectives, staying competitive by building the worth of organizations to its…

Perceptions towards Advertising in Saudi Arabia

IBIMA Business Review
This exploratory research aims to examine the perceptions towards advertising in Saudi Arabia. From earlier studies, sixty items were selected to measure the perceptions towards advertising in Saudi Arabia. Survey methodology was used to solicit the responses from respondents (N = 410). Descriptive analyses show…

New Methods in Assessing the Risks and Solvency of Insurance Companies

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
Determining the solvency of insurance companies on the basis of comprehensive consideration of different risk groups is becoming especially relevant in modern financial activity, which requires thorough research of these aspects of the problem. This article contains the types and structuring of the main risks…

How to update the Securitization Regulation?

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
Some years after the subprime crisis, regulators started to change their thinking about securitization having noticed its advantages. At first, their efforts to create a more friendly environment for securitization were rather shy. A true acceleration of these efforts could be seen after COVID-19 and…

The Slovak Long-Term Care System

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
Declining relative size of the working-age population, decreasing family-based care supply due to higher female labor force participation, and reduced family size will increase the demand and cost of long-term care (LTC). Governments in European countries have responded differently to these challenges. A European comparison…

How Global is the Domestic Financial Cycle? Evidence from Romania and 3 other EEMS

Journal of Financial Studies and Research
This paper provides an analysis of the potential common influences behind the synchronicity of financial cycles in four EEMS: Romania, Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. We checked if the common movements in these EEMS appear under the influence of the global financial cycle measured…